CPH flights to Alanya Gazipaşa Airport
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dato: | 16.08.2011 |
Tyrkiet Eksperten/Scanway starting direct flights from Copenhagen to Alanya Gazipaşa Airport and bookings are already available now!
The Turkish/Danish Tour Operator Tyrkiet Eksperten/Scanway announced at their website that they are starting the direct flights from Copenhagen to Alanya Gazipaşa Airport from 1 April to 30 October 2012.
Bookings are already available at www.tyrkieteksperten.dk Tyrkiet Eksperten will have 4 flights a week with Swedish Airliner TOR AIR will fly with Boeing 737 with 148 seats which is the largest airplane allowed to fly to Alanya Gazipaşa Airport.
More information is available at following link in danish at http://tyrkieteksperten.dk/Article.asp?WebID=142 (Opens in a new window)