Where to buy quality furniture and accessories in Alanya Turkey ?
You don't need to bring furniture to Alanya or Turkey. You will find thousands of good choices ranging from local authentic ones to international style furniture at very reasonable prices and exceptional quality. Search for mobilya or furniture Turkey on the net to learn about available furniture options.. Some of the biggest furnitures companies and furniture production complexes whose web page are in English are listed below;
ln addition there are numerous furniture retail shops and showrooms in every location in Turkey. You can buy home appliances produced at the highest standards, company brands here include Bosch, Siemans, LG Sony and more. Please take a look at the following web sites in English to see some manufactures here in Turkey.
As part of our after sales service we offer a complimentary shopping service. If you would like help with purchasing furnitiure & electrical goods. Alanya Sun Life Real Estate agencies furnishing team will take you to selected showrooms and Retail Stores where you can purchase all your furniture, electrical & home accessories.
We will also secure generous discounts from these suppliers. Last but not least, we will make sure every item you purchase is delivered to you safely in your absence.
- Save time: By allowing us to guide you to our selected suppliers who are fully aware of the needs of property owners
- Save money: By taking advantage of the generous discounts incorporated in our furnishing package deals
- Eliminate risky purchases: By going directly to the well-established and reliable companies we recommend, who will ensure the delivery of every single item according to your requirements and specifications
